No, there is no internet access at Chagar Hutang.

No, Chagar Hutang is only accessible by boat.

Unfortunately, we do not recommend under 7 years old to join the program. Because most activities are considered as heavy work that requires good physical health.

In case of an emergency, communication can be arranged via the program’s team using their satellite phone and emergency radio.

No, refunds are not available if you are unable to attend.

Yes, you can join even if you don’t know how to swim, as most tasks are land-based.

Volunteers will assist with night patrols, nest excavation, hatchling release, research, and data collection.

Bring essentials like toiletries, comfortable clothes, sturdy shoes, and personal items. A detailed list is provided in What to Bring tab.

No prior experience is needed; training will be provided on-site.

Yes, safety guidelines will be provided and must be followed throughout the program.

The meeting point is at UMT, where we will travel together to Merang Jetty by van. If you’re coming with your own transport, you can park at UMT.